Type alias AdvOptions

AdvOptions: { conditions: AdvCondition[]; description?: JsonRaw | string; display?: { icon?: { name: string; nbt: NBTData }; title?: JsonRaw | string }; isSecret?: boolean; parent?: string; rewards: AdvRewards; type?: "challenge" | "goal" | "task"; whenComplete?: { announce?: boolean; toast?: boolean } }

Type declaration

  • conditions: AdvCondition[]

    Conditions that need to be made to unlock the advancement

  • Optional description?: JsonRaw | string
  • Optional display?: { icon?: { name: string; nbt: NBTData }; title?: JsonRaw | string }
    • Optional icon?: { name: string; nbt: NBTData }

      The advancement icon (a game's item)

      • name: string

        The name of the item

      • nbt: NBTData

        Data to add to this item

    • Optional title?: JsonRaw | string

      Title of the advancement

  • Optional isSecret?: boolean

    Whether to hide this advancement and all its children from the advancement screen until this advancement have been completed

  • Optional parent?: string

    The parent advancement directory of this advancement. If absent, this advancement is a root advancement. Circular references cause a loading failure

  • rewards: AdvRewards
  • Optional type?: "challenge" | "goal" | "task"
  • Optional whenComplete?: { announce?: boolean; toast?: boolean }
    • Optional announce?: boolean

      Whether to announce in the chat when this advancement has been completed

    • Optional toast?: boolean

      Whether to show a toast to the player when this advancement has been completed

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